Maxim Konovalov SEO specialist Moldova

I raise sites to the top of Google using original recipes🥮
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Maxim Konovalov SEO specialist Moldova
Maxim Konovalov SEO specialist Moldova Maxim Konovalov SEO specialist Moldova Maxim Konovalov SEO specialist Moldova
Leading specialist in the field of SEO promotion in Moldova
Expert in promotion in highly competitive niches
Founder of Digital Agency RocketSEO
Author of the course "SEO is simple and profitable"
Save you from sanctions and search engine filters

Individual consultation

Analysis of the current situation, calculate the break-even point and determine the goals of the project
We identify bottlenecks and weaknesses in the project, and determine new growth points in both the short and long term.
We develop a strategy with a step-by-step and realistic action plan to achieve your goals.
During the consultation, I share any proprietary templates and demonstrate optimal planning practices.
We calculate the SEO channel's ROI to assess the return on investment in the project.

Consultation cost 150 euros/hour*

Minimum consultation time - 2 hours
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  • 16+ years of invaluable experience

  • Brought sales to clients for $3,000,000

  • Expert in complex niches Weight Loss, Health and medicine, Finance, Crypto, etc.

  • Leading CIS SEO agencies hire my agency for SEO contracting

SEO Development and Training

Corporate SEO Training

Corporate SEO Training

I consult and act as a mentor for the development of internal In-House SEO teams. I recommend this service to all managers. Experience shows that there is always room for improvement and opportunities to earn more.
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Corporate SEO Training Corporate SEO Training
Performances at events

Performances at events

With pleasure and passion, I share my experience at conferences. SEO is interesting and as many people as possible should learn about it!
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Performances at events Performances at events

The history of becoming an SEO specialist

Find out details

  • In 2007, I started working as an intern and Junior SEO specialist at an NDA Moldovan company, promoting websites for cigarette sales in the USA. At the same time, I worked part-time as a copywriter.
  • In 2008, I achieved my first TOP ranking on for the highly competitive keywords ‘cheap cigarettes’ and ‘Marlboro cigarettes’. I decided to leave the company, borrowed 1,500 euros from my mother, and began my own online journey in a rented room in Botanica.
  • By the fall of 2008, I had opened my first office and hired 4 employees.
  • In 2009, I launched my first own project targeting the Australian market, which continues to generate profit from SEO traffic to this day.
  • From 2009 to 2011, the team grew to 8 people, and we created a network of over 800 niche satellite websites. We started working with various affiliate programs, promoting websites in tough niches.
  • From 2012 to 2015, our team was a TOP affiliate partner at
  • In 2014, I stepped out from behind the scenes and officially registered the company RocketSEO.
  • In 2017, the Google Medic Update resulted in the loss of our network of 800 satellite sites.
  • In 2017, we launched our own e-commerce project targeting the USA.
  • As of 2018 and currently, we are developing our agency in the local market, as well as client SEO in the West.

Courses and certificates

Find out details

  • “SEO Specialist Profession” by Skillbox from Ingate
  • Master-Academy – “From Chaos to System” – an author course by Alexey Kishlaru
  • All courses from the online School of Regular Management by Evgeny Sevastyanov
  • Masters-Academy – “School of Professional Sales” – Andrey Bakhchivanji
  • “Agency Business Processes” – Anna Karaulova
  • “SEO in the West” – Rush-Agency
  • “SEO Senior” – Rush-Agency

The history of becoming an SEO specialist

A couple of facts about me

  • I am a father of three
  • An optimizer of all life’s processes.
  • In 2023, I ran my first marathon, embracing my passion for running.
  • I am a proponent of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, and I enjoy cooking healthy meals for my whole family.
  • I lose track of time when engaged in AI Prompt Engineering.
  • love reading books, taking walks outdoors, and cycling.
  • I take care of settlements in Fallout 4, believing that constant support of all resources greatly develops strategic thinking.
  • I am passionate about system administration and enjoy exploring and testing hardware and software ways to improve project performance indicators.
  • I love our smaller brethren—cats, which is why we have five cats living in our office. I have been involved in charity work for 14 years.
Max Konovalov

We will find growth points

Find out the possibility of increasing your profits
business using SEO
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My personal blog

I run my own Telegram blog about personal branding, reflections on working with clients, and self-development. I regularly set new sports goals, post activity reports, and diligently keep a diary of my healthy eating habits.
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov
Max Konovalov


[email protected] +3736890901